| |
| | (ns util.util)
| | (def tolerance 0.0001)
(def dx tolerance)
(def phi 1.618)
(def e 2.718)
| | (defn abs [x] (if (> x 0) x (- x)))
(defn square [x] (* x x))
(defn cube [x] (* x x x))
(defn avg [x & more]
(/ (+ x (apply + more)) (+ 1 (count more))))
(defn pow [x n]
(. (. java.math.BigInteger (valueOf x)) (pow n)))
| | (defn deriv [g]
(fn [x]
(/ (- (g (+ x dx)) (g x))
| | (defn close-enough? [x expected tolerance]
(< (abs (- x expected)) tolerance))
| | (defn fixed-point [f first-guess]
(let [trynext (fn [guess]
(let [nextval (f guess)]
(if (close-enough? guess nextval tolerance)
(recur nextval))))]
(trynext first-guess)))
| | (defn average-damp [f]
(fn [x] (avg x (f x))))
| | (defn newton-transform [g]
(fn [x]
(- x (/ (g x) ((deriv g) x)))))
| | (defn newtons-method [g guess]
(fixed-point (newton-transform g) guess))
| | (defn id [x] x)
(defn curry [f arg1]
(fn [arg] (apply f (cons arg1 (list arg)))))
(defn const [x]
(fn [arg] x))
(defn compose [f g]
(fn [x] (f (g x))))
(defn and-then [f g]
(fn [x] (g (f x))))
| | (defn zip [& lists]
(apply map vector lists))
| | (defn repfun [f n]
(if (= n 1)
(compose f (repfun f (dec n)))))
| | (defn permutations [xs]
(let [len (count xs)]
; xs can never be [], only if the initial argument is []
(cond (= len 0) []
(= len 1) [xs]
:else (mapcat (fn [x] (map #(cons x %) (permutations (remove #(= x %) xs))))
@param f - (A -> Bool)
@param xs - [A]
@return true if f holds for all x in xs, false otherwise
| | (defn forall
[f xs]
(reduce #(and %1 %2) true (map f xs)))
@param f - (A -> Bool)
@param xs - [A]
@return true if f holds for any x in xs, false otherwise
| | (defn exists
[f xs]
(reduce #(or %1 %2) false (map f xs)))
| | (defn drop-nth [n coll]
(when-let [s (seq coll)]
(concat (take n s) (drop (inc n) s)))))
| | (defmacro assert* [val test]
`(let [result# ~test]
(when (not result#)
(throw (Exception.
(str "Test failed: " (quote ~test)
" for " (quote ~val) " = " ~val))))))
| | (defmulti validate* (fn [val test] test))
| | (defn validate [& tests]
(doseq [test tests] (apply validate* test)))
| |