| |
| | (ns e2-81-to-86
(:use [clojure.contrib.math :only (round)])
(:use clojure.test))
| | (defn type-tag [datum])
(defn get-op [a b])
(defn get-coercion [a b])
(defn contents [datum] (second datum))
| | (defn apply-generic
[op & args]
(let [type-tags (map type-tag args)
proc (get-op op type-tags)]
(if proc
(apply proc (map contents args))
(if (= (count args) 2)
(let [type1 (first type-tags)
type2 (second type-tags)
a1 (first args)
a2 (second args)
t1->t2 (get-coercion type1 type2)
t2->t1 (get-coercion type2 type1)]
(cond (t1->t2
(apply-generic op (t1->t2 a1) a2))
(apply-generic op a1 (t2->t1 a2)))
(throw (Exception. (str "No method for types " (cons op args))))))
(throw (Exception. (str "No method for types " (cons op args))))))))
a) What is going to happen if the apply-generic is called for arguments of
the same type for a procedure which is not registered for this type?
The apply-generic procedure will diverge as no amount of coercions will
make the requested operation appear.
| |
Yes. And I'm a certified psychiatrist.
In order for apply-generic to work with the arguments of the same type,
there should be a check for type equality before coercions are applied.
| |
| | (defn apply-generic
[op & args]
(let [type-tags (map type-tag args)
proc (get op type-tags)]
(if proc
(apply proc (map contents args))
(if (= (count args) 2)
(let [type1 (first type-tags)
type2 (second type-tags)
a1 (first args)
a2 (second args)
t1->t2 (get-coercion type1 type2)
t2->t1 (get-coercion type2 type1)]
(cond (= type1 type2)
(throw (Exception. (str "No method for types " (cons op args))))
(not (nil? t1->t2))
(apply-generic op (t1->t2 a1) a2)
(not (nil? t2->t1))
(apply-generic op a1 (t2->t1 a2))
(throw (Exception. (str "No method for types " (cons op args))))))
(throw (Exception. (str "No method for types " (cons op args))))))))
Create a generic version of apply-generic which tries to type-coerce any
number of arguments (not just 2).
One possible solution is to try to coerce every argument to the type of the
first argument, then, if the operation wasn't found, to the type of the
second argument, e.t.c.
However, this strategy will fail when operation table contains operations for
mixed types which will never get called when all of the arguments will get
coerced to one type (even the original apply-generic procedure will fail in
this case, as it always coerces arguments to the same type).
| |
Create a raise procedure which will raise values up the hierarchy (left to
integer -> rational -> real -> complex.
| | (defn err [msg]
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. msg)))
| | (defn get-type-tag [x] (first x))
| | (defn integer->rational [a]
(if (= (get-type-tag a) 'integer)
['rational (rationalize (contents a))]
(err (str "Not an integer " a))))
| | (defn rational->real [a]
(if (= (get-type-tag a) 'rational)
['real (double (contents a))]
(err (str "Not a rational " a))))
| | (defn real->complex [a]
(if (= (get-type-tag a) 'real)
['complex 'rectangular (contents a) 0]
(err (str "Not a real " a))))
| | (defn get-raise-op [arg-type]
(cond (= arg-type 'integer) integer->rational
(= arg-type 'rational) rational->real
(= arg-type 'real) real->complex
:else (err (str "Cannot raise " arg-type))))
| | (defn raise [a]
((get-raise-op (get-type-tag a)) a))
| | (deftest test-283
(is (= (get-type-tag (raise ['integer 1])) 'rational))
(is (= (get-type-tag (raise (raise ['integer 1]))) 'real))
(is (= (get-type-tag (raise (raise (raise ['integer 1])))) 'complex)))
| | (def *raise-chain* ['integer 'rational 'real 'complex])
| | (defn level [x]
(inc (.indexOf *raise-chain* x)))
| | (defn valid-type? [x]
(<= (level x)
(count *raise-chain*)))
| | (defn can-convert [from to]
"returns true if `from` type can be converted to `to` type (false if `from = to`)"
(if (and (valid-type? from) (valid-type? to))
(and (not (= from to))
(< (level from) (level to)))
| | (defn raise-chain [from to]
"returns a list of types between and including `from` and `to`"
(drop-while #(not (= %1 from))
(reverse (drop-while #(not (= %1 to))
(reverse *raise-chain*)))))
returns a function which raises the first argument to the type of the second
or nil if it's impossible
| | (defn raise-to
[from to]
(if (= from to) identity
(fn [x]
(if (can-convert from to)
(last (take (count (raise-chain from to))
(iterate raise x)))
| | (defn apply-generic
[op & args]
(let [type-tags (map type-tag args)
proc (get op type-tags)]
(if proc
(apply proc (map contents args))
(if (= (count args) 2)
(let [type1 (first type-tags)
type2 (second type-tags)
a1 (first args)
a2 (second args)
t1->t2 (raise-to type1 type2)
t2->t1 (raise-to type2 type1)]
(cond (not (nil? t1->t2))
(apply-generic op (t1->t2 a1) a2)
(not (nil? t2->t1))
(apply-generic op a1 (t2->t1 a2))
(err (str "No method for types " (cons op args)))))
(err (str "No method for types " (cons op args)))))))
| | (deftest test-284
(is (= ((raise-to 'integer 'real) ['integer 1]) ['real 1.0]))
(is (= ((raise-to 'rational 'complex) ['rational 1/2]) ['complex 'rectangular 0.5 0]))
(is (nil? ((raise-to 'real 'integer) ['real 1.0]))))
We will reuse *raise-chain* , valid-type?' and level` from the last exercise.
Other procedures (such as raise-to ) will be generalized to make drop-to possible.
| |
| | (defn complex->real [x]
(assert (= (first x) 'complex))
['real (second (rest x))])
| | (defn real->rational [x]
(assert (= (first x) 'real))
['rational (rationalize (second x))])
| | (defn rational->integer [x]
(assert (= (first x) 'rational))
['integer (round (second x))])
| | (defn get-lower-op [arg-type]
(cond (= arg-type 'complex) complex->real
(= arg-type 'real) real->rational
(= arg-type 'rational) rational->integer
:else (err (str "Cannot drop " arg-type))))
| | (defn lower [a]
((get-lower-op (get-type-tag a)) a))
| | (defn can-project [from to]
(and (valid-type? from) (valid-type? to)
(not (= from to))))
| | (defn project-chain [chain from to]
"returns a list of types between and including `from` and `to`"
(drop-while #(not (= %1 from))
(reverse (drop-while #(not (= %1 to))
(reverse chain)))))
| | (defn project-to [chain f from to]
(if (= from to) identity
(fn [x]
(if (can-project from to)
(last (take (count (project-chain chain from to))
(iterate f x)))
| | (defn raise-to-2 [from to] (project-to *raise-chain* raise from to))
(defn drop-to [from to] (project-to (reverse *raise-chain*) lower from to))
| | (deftest test-285
(is (= ((raise-to-2 'integer 'real) ['integer 1]) ['real 1.0]))
(is (= ((raise-to-2 'rational 'complex) ['rational 1/2]) ['complex 'rectangular 0.5 0]))
(is (nil? ((raise-to-2 'real 'integer) ['real 1.0])))
(is (= ((drop-to 'real 'integer) ['real 1.4]) ['integer 1]))
(is (= ((drop-to 'complex 'rational) ['complex 'rectangular 0.5 0]) ['rational 1/2]))
(is (nil? ((drop-to 'integer 'real) ['real 1.0]))))
We'll cheat and skip the actual implementation changes in this exercise as it
would require completely writing out the whole dispatch mechanism. Instead,
we will list all of the required modifications.
The essence of the modification is in making it possible to use type
conversions on the components of types, such as the real and imaginary parts
of complex numbers. To support this functionality we will have to change the
way complex numbers are represented and significantly change all of the
procedures which are currently used to work with complex numbers.
Currently a complex is represented by a list containing two tags ('complex
and 'rectangular/'polar) and two numbers (real and imaginary parts),
e.g. ['complex 'rectangular 1 0].
After the change a complex number is going to look like this:
['complex 'rectangular ['integer 1] ['integer 0]].
All of the operations which are currently registered for the 'complex tag will
have to be reimplemented to use the apply-generic procedure themselves.
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