| |
| | (ns e2-4-5-6
(:use [clojure.contrib.test-is :only (deftest is run-tests)])
(:use [util.util :only (pow id)])
(:use [clojure.contrib.generic.math-functions :only ()]))
| | (defn cons! [x y]
(fn [m] (m x y)))
| | (defn car [z]
(z (fn [p q] p)))
| | (defn cdr [z]
(z (fn [p q] q)))
| | (deftest test-car-cdr
(is (= (car (cons! 1 2)) 1))
(is (= (cdr (cons! 1 2)) 2)))
| | (defn cons-n [x y]
(* (pow 2 x) (pow 3 y)))
Can this be written as a fold . take-while? Should think about implementing this with a fold.
| | (defn- iter [z n x]
(if (= (rem z x) 0)
(recur (/ z x) (inc n) x)
| | (defn car-n [z]
(iter z 0 2))
| | (defn cdr-n [z]
(iter z 0 3))
| | (deftest test-car-cdr-n
(is (= (car-n (cons-n 3 2)) 3))
(is (= (cdr-n (cons-n 3 2)) 2)))
| | (def *zero*
(fn [f] id))
At step 5 we have a function which returns a closure over its argument (which itself must be a function).
The closure, when applied, applies the argument of the function it closes over to the argument of its own (the argument of the closure).
In simple terms - (add-1 zero) returns a function which must be applied two times to yield a result.
For the sake of fun and profit, lets expand the add-1 with the result of the previous expansion
1. (add-1 (add-1 zero)) ->
2. (fn [f] (fn [x] (f (((fn [g] (fn [h] (g h))) f) x)))) ->
3. (fn [f] (fn [x] (f ((fn [h] (f h)) x)))) ->
4. (fn [f] (fn [x] (f (f x))))
Here we see that 'f' is applied 2 times (which represents the 'number 2' in the church encoding).
| | (defn add-1 [n]
(fn [f]
(fn [x]
(f ((n f) x)))))
| | (def *one*
(fn [f] (fn [x] (f x))))
| | (def *two*
(fn [f] (fn [x] (f (f x)))))
| | (deftest one-two-test
(is (= (((add-1 *one*) #(+ 1 %)) 0) 2))
(is (= (((add-1 *two*) #(+ 1 %)) 0) 3)))
| | (defn plus [a b]
(fn [f] (fn [x] ((a f) ((b f) x)))))
| | (deftest plus-test
; should be equal to (*two*)
(is (= (((plus (add-1 *zero*) (add-1 *zero*)) #(+ 1 %)) 0) 2)))
| |