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Exercises 2.12 - 2.16
| | (ns e2-12-13-14-15-16
(:use [clojure.contrib.test-is :only (deftest is run-tests)])
(:use [util.interval :only (make-interval lower-bound upper-bound mul-interval div-interval add-interval)])
(:use [clojure.contrib.math :only (round)]))
Lisa got into trouble again by not looking at the specs and not listening to
the BAs. Turns out all of the intervals she manufactured were to be
discarded as their representation didn't suit business needs. The fact
struck Lisa like a scythe strikes ripe rye. After getting out of rehab Lisa
got obsessed with various representations of intervals... You could often
hear her silently weep in her room...
Here's a fragment of code transcribed from the many carvings on the walls of her room:
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| | (defn make-center-width [c w]
(make-interval (- c w) (+ c w)))
| | (defn center [i]
(/ (+ (lower-bound i) (upper-bound i)) 2))
| | (defn width [i]
(/ (- (upper-bound i) (lower-bound i)) 2))
mid - midpoint-interval
p - percent = radius-interval / midpoint-interval where radius-interval = 1/2 * (upper-bound - lower-bound)
radius is always > 0
| | (defn make-center-percent
[mid p]
(let [r (if (= mid 0)
(/ p 100)
(* mid (/ p 100)))]
(make-interval (- mid r) (+ mid r))))
| | (deftest make-center-test
(is (= (make-center-percent 1 10) (make-interval 0.9 1.1)))
(is (= (make-center-percent -10 50) (make-interval -5 -15)))
(is (= (make-center-percent 0 10) (make-interval -0.1 0.1))))
| | (defn radius-interval [i]
(/ (- (upper-bound i) (lower-bound i)) 2))
| | (defn percent-interval [i]
(let [r (radius-interval i)
mid (center i)]
(round (* 100 (/ r (if (= mid 0) 1 mid))))))
| | (deftest percent-test
(is (= (percent-interval (make-interval 0.9 1.1)) 10))
(is (= (percent-interval (make-interval -5 -15)) 50))
(is (= (percent-interval (make-interval -0.1 0.1)) 10)))
We need to approximate the product of the two intervals given their centers and deviation percentage.
Assume all numbers are positive, da = deviation a, ca = center a,
- a =
[ca - da*ca, ca + da*ca] = [ca*(1 - da), ca*(1 + da)]
- b =
[cb - db*cb, cb + db*cb] = [cb*(1 - db), cb*(1 + db)]
- a*b =
[ca*cb*(1 - da)(1 - db), ca*cb*(1 + da)(1 + db)] = [ca*cb*(1 - (da + db - da*db)), ca*cb*(1 + (da + db + da*db))]
We can see that deviation of the product = (da + db - da*db) which is approaching (da + db) if da and db approach 0.
Conclusion: deviation of the product may be approximated by the sum of deviations of multiplicand and multiplier.
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| | (defn low-percent? [p]
(< p 10))
| | (defn percent-mul-intervals [a b]
(let [pa (percent-interval a)
pb (percent-interval b)]
(if (and (low-percent? pa) (low-percent? pb))
(+ pa pb)
(println "Cannot calculate deviation percent of the resulting interval!"))))
| | (deftest test-deviation
(is (let [a (make-center-percent 1 0.1)]
(= (percent-mul-intervals a a) (percent-interval (mul-interval a a)))))
(is (let [a (make-center-percent 1 5)
b (make-center-percent 6 9)]
(= (percent-mul-intervals a b) (percent-interval (mul-interval a b))))))
Lem E. Tweakit is way too smart, he should be beaten into submission.
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We have two ways of calculating the result:
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r1*r2 / (r1 + r2)
| | (defn par1 [r1 r2]
(div-interval (mul-interval r1 r2)
(add-interval r1 r2)))
1 / (1/r1 + 1/r2)
| | (defn par2 [r1 r2]
(let [one (make-interval 1 1)]
(div-interval one
(add-interval (div-interval one r1)
(div-interval one r2)))))
We can get the latter formula by dividing the former one by r1*r2 .
We can get the former formula by multiplying the denominator of the latter one by r2/r2 ,
which shouldn't change the result, as r2/r2 = 1 . Or should it?
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par1 and par2 do indeed return different results. Question is, which one
is better? And why are they different if the formulas are equivalent?
| | (deftest par12-test
(let [a (make-center-percent 1 5)
b (make-center-percent 5 10)
c (make-interval -5 20)]
(is (not (= (par1 a a) (par2 a a))))
(is (not (= (par1 a b) (par2 a b))))
(is (not (= (par1 a c) (par2 a c))))))
The answer is in the result of r2/r2 . We're talking about intervals here,
so r2/r2 doesn't necessary equal to 1. Herein lies the problem (I
confess, I lifted the answer to this one from the internets) - the formulas
aren't equivalent if we're talking intervals.
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Eva Lu Ator suggests that par2 is better than par1.
par1 performs (assume r1=[lr1, ur1] and r2=[lr2, ur2] are positive intervals):
- ([lr1, ur1] * [lr2, ur2]) / ([lr1, ur1] + [lr2, ur2])
- [(lr1 * lr2), (ur1 * ur2)] / [(lr1 + lr2), (ur1 + ur2)]
- [((lr1 * lr2) * (1 / (ur1 + ur2))), ((ur1 * ur2) * (1 / (lr1 + lr2)))]
- [(lr1 * lr2) / (ur1 + ur2), (ur1 * ur2) / (lr1 + lr2)]
par2 :
- [1, 1] / (([1, 1] / [lr1, ur1]) + ([1, 1] / [lr2, ur2]))
- [1, 1] / ([(1 / ur1), (1 / lr1)] + [1 / ur2, 1 / lr2])
- [1, 1] / [(1 / ur1) + (1 / ur2), (1 / lr1) + (1 / lr2)]
- [1 / ((1 / lr1) + (1 / lr2)), 1 / ((1 / ur1) + (1 / ur2))]
essentially it's all the same. However, we get less accuracy if we perform
more operations on the incorrect intermediate results. And, as we get more
intermediate results in par1 , par2 gets more accurate results.
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I lack the mathematical background for this one :) After reading a bit on
intervals I seem to understand that they're lacking the properties of a field
that the set Z (for example) holds. The zero for addition, the inverse for
multiplication and the distributivity of multiplication over addition. All
the operations for intervals need to check for identity, so that
r2/r2 = 1 iff r2 IS r2 .
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