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Exercises 1.43 - 1.46
| | (ns e1-43-44-45-46
(:use [util.util :only (repfun avg dx fixed-point average-damp pow close-enough? tolerance square abs avg)])
(:use [clojure.contrib.test-is :only (deftest is run-tests)])
(:use [clojure.contrib.generic.math-functions :only (cos)]))
repfun is defined in util/util.clj
| | (deftest repfun-test
(is (= ((repfun inc 4) 6) 10)))
smooth should return a function which takes an average of three values: f(x - dx) , f(x) and f(x + dx) .
| | (defn smooth [f]
(fn [x]
(avg (f (- x dx)) (f x) (f (+ x dx)))))
The repeated smooth is trivial.
| | (defn rep-smooth [f n]
((repfun smooth n) f))
Here we need to find the amount of damping which is needed to average-damp the f(x) = x^n for n > 2 .
For y = sqrt(x) the damping is needed only once:
y^2 = x => y = x / y
now we have a divergence y0 = y2 = ... :
y1 = x / y0 , y2 = x / (x / y0) = y1
which is remedied by an average-damp:
y1 = 1/2 * (y0 + x / y0)
in the general case of y = sqrtn(x)
(repfun (average-damp y) (dec n))
seems to produce the desired results.
| | (defn sqrt-of-n [x n]
(fixed-point (repfun
(average-damp (fn [y] (/ x (pow y (dec n))))) (dec n))
| | (deftest test-sqrt
(is (close-enough? (sqrt-of-n 4 2) 2 tolerance))
(is (close-enough? (sqrt-of-n 8 3) 2 tolerance))
(is (close-enough? (sqrt-of-n 16 4) 2 tolerance))
(is (close-enough? (sqrt-of-n 32 5) 2 tolerance))
(is (close-enough? (sqrt-of-n 64 6) 2 tolerance)))
The syntax for letfn is strange... Well, not that strange if you think about it...
| | (defn iterative-improve [good-enough? improve]
(fn [x]
(letfn [(iter [x]
(let [improved (improve x)]
(if (good-enough? x improved)
(recur improved))))]
(iter x))))
sqrt is fairly straightforward - we use the implementation given in one of the previous chapters.
| | (defn iterative-sqrt [x]
(fn [guess x]
(let [ratio (/ guess x)]
(and (< ratio (+ 1 tolerance)) (> ratio (- 1 tolerance)))))
(fn [guess]
(avg guess (/ x guess)))) 1))
| | (deftest test-iter-sqrt
(is (close-enough? (iterative-sqrt 4) 2 tolerance))
(is (close-enough? (iterative-sqrt 9) 3 tolerance)))
implementation for fixed-point is not as clear as for sqrt ...
| | (defn iterative-fixed-point [f first-guess]
(fn [guess x]
(< (abs (- guess x)) tolerance))
(fn [guess]
(f guess))) first-guess))
See chapter 1.3.3
| | (deftest test-iter-fp
(is (close-enough? (iterative-fixed-point cos 1.0) 0.739082 tolerance))
(is (close-enough? (iterative-fixed-point cos 1.0) (fixed-point cos 1.0) tolerance)))
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