(ns e2-33-to-39
  (:use [util.util :only (zip)])
  (:use clojure.test)
  (:use [clojure.contrib.generic.math-functions :only (sqr)]))
(defn accumulate [f zero xs]
  (if (empty? xs) zero
    (f (first xs)
       (accumulate f zero (rest xs)))))
(defn my-map [f xs]
  (accumulate (fn [el acc]
                (cons (f el) acc)) [] xs))
(deftest test-my-map
  (is (= (my-map #(+ 1 %) [1 2 3]) [2 3 4])))
(defn append [xs ys]
  (accumulate cons (rest ys) (if (nil? (first ys)) xs
                                 (conj xs (first ys)))))
(deftest test-append
  (is (= (append [1 2 3] [4 5 6]) [1 2 3 4 5 6]))
  (is (= (append [] [1 2]) [1 2]))
  (is (= (append [1 2] []) [1 2])))
(defn length [xs]
  (accumulate #(+ 1 %2) 0 xs))
(deftest test-length
  (is (= (length [1 2 3]) 3))
  (is (= (length []) 0)))
(defn horner-eval [x coeff-seq]
  (accumulate (fn [el acc]
                (+ el (* (horner-eval x (rest coeff-seq)) x)))
              0 coeff-seq))
(deftest test-horner-eval
  (is (= (horner-eval 2 [1 3 0 5 0 1]) 79))
  (is (= (horner-eval 2 []) 0)))
(defn count-leaves [t]
  (accumulate (fn [el acc]
                (if (sequential? el)
                    (+ (count-leaves el) acc)
                    (inc acc))) 0
(deftest test-count-leaves
  (is (= (count-leaves [1 [2 [3 4]] 7]) 5)))
(defn accumulate-n [op init seqs]
  (if (empty? (first seqs))
      (cons (accumulate op init (map first seqs))
            (accumulate-n op init (map rest seqs)))))
(deftest test-accumulate-n
  (is (= (accumulate-n + 0 [[1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9] [10 11 12]]) [22 26 30])))

At first I made a big mistake of confusing the matrix representation used in this exercise (lists represent rows). No wonder I couldn't write (matrix-times-vector) without transposing the argument matrix.

(defn dot-product [v w]
  (accumulate + 0 (map * v w)))
(def *123v* [1 2 3])
(def *123m* [[1 1 1] [2 2 2] [3 3 3]])
(defn matrix-times-vector [m v]
  ; for each row in the matrix (m)
  (map (fn [row]
         (accumulate (fn [el acc]
                       (+ acc (* el (second row)))) 0
                     ; I cheated here by zipping matrix with the vector
                     (first row))) (zip m v)))
(deftest test-times-vector
  (is (= (matrix-times-vector *123m* *123v*) [3 12 27])))
(defn transpose [m]
  (accumulate-n cons [] m))
(deftest test-transpose
  (is (= (transpose *123m*) [*123v* *123v* *123v*])))
(defn matrix-times-matrix [m n]
  (let [cols (transpose n)]
    (map (fn [row]
           ; for each row element and col element, multiply them together and bind the resulting list of lists to (prods)
           (let [prods (map #(accumulate-n * 1 [row %1]) cols)]
             (map #(accumulate + 0 %1) prods)))
(deftest test-times-matrix
  (is (= (matrix-times-matrix *123m* *123m*) [[6 6 6] [12 12 12] [18 18 18]])))
(defn foldl [f zero xs]
  (letfn [(iter [result remaining]
            (if (empty? remaining) result
                (recur (f result (first remaining))
                       (rest remaining))))]
    (iter zero xs)))
(deftest test-foldl
  (is (= (accumulate + 0 [1 2 3]) (foldl + 0 [1 2 3])))
  (is (not (= (accumulate - 0 [1 2 3]) (foldl - 0 [1 2 3]))))
  ; (/ 1 1) [2 3]
  ; (/ 1 2) [3]
  ; (/ 0.5 3) []
  (is (= (foldl / 1 [1 2 3]) (/ (/ 1 2) 3)))
  ; (/ 1 1) [2 3]
  ; (/ 1 (/ 2) [3]
  ; (/ 1 (/ 2 (/ 3 1)))
  (is (= (accumulate / 1 [1 2 3]) (/ 3 2)))
  (is (= (foldl list nil [1 2 3]) [[[nil 1] 2] 3]))
  (is (= (accumulate list nil [1 2 3]) [1 [2 [3 nil]]])))

Concerning the second part of the exercise (the question): the operation passed into foldl and foldr should be associative in order for them to produce identical results (semigroup).

(defn my-reverse-foldr [xs]
  (accumulate (fn [x y]
                (concat y [x])) nil xs))
(defn my-reverse-foldl [xs]
  (foldl (fn [x y]
            (cons y x)) nil xs))
(deftest test-my-reverse
  (is (= (my-reverse-foldr [1 2 3]) [3 2 1]))
  (is (= (my-reverse-foldl [1 2 3]) [3 2 1])))