Released under the MIT License
Clojure wrapper for Java 8 Time API.
To install, add the following dependency to your project or build file:
[ "1.4.3"]
This namespace has been deprecated due to #91. Please migrate to java-time.api
Public variables and functions:
- *
- +
- -
- <
- <=
- =
- >
- >=
- abs
- abuts?
- adjust
- advance-clock!
- after?
- am-pm
- am-pm?
- as
- as-map
- available-zone-ids
- before?
- chronology
- clock?
- contains?
- convert-amount
- day-of-month
- day-of-month?
- day-of-week
- day-of-week?
- day-of-year
- day-of-year?
- days
- duration
- duration?
- end
- field
- field?
- fields
- fixed-clock
- format
- formatter
- friday?
- gap
- hours
- instant
- instant->sql-timestamp
- instant?
- interval
- interval?
- iterate
- java-date
- largest-min-value
- leap?
- local-date
- local-date-time
- local-date-time?
- local-date?
- local-time
- local-time?
- max
- max-value
- micros
- millis
- min
- min-value
- minus
- minutes
- mock-clock
- monday?
- month
- month-day
- month-day?
- month?
- months
- move-end-by
- move-end-to
- move-start-by
- move-start-to
- multiply-by
- nanos
- negate
- negative?
- not-after?
- not-before?
- offset-clock
- offset-date-time
- offset-date-time?
- offset-time
- offset-time?
- overlap
- overlaps?
- period
- period?
- plus
- properties
- property
- quarter
- quarter?
- range
- saturday?
- seconds
- set-clock!
- smallest-max-value
- sql-date
- sql-time
- sql-timestamp
- standard-days
- start
- sunday?
- supports?
- system-clock
- thursday?
- tick-clock
- time-between
- to-java-date
- to-millis-from-epoch
- to-sql-date
- to-sql-timestamp
- truncate-to
- tuesday?
- unit
- unit?
- units
- value
- value-range
- wednesday?
- weekday?
- weekend?
- weeks
- when-joda-time-loaded
- with-clock
- with-clock-fn
- with-largest-min-value
- with-max-value
- with-min-value
- with-offset
- with-offset-same-instant
- with-smallest-max-value
- with-value
- with-zone
- with-zone-same-instant
- year
- year-month
- year-month?
- year-quarter
- year-quarter?
- year?
- years
- zero?
- zone-id
- zone-id?
- zone-offset
- zoned-date-time
- zoned-date-time?
Public variables and functions:
- *
- +
- -
- <
- <=
- =
- >
- >=
- abs
- abuts?
- adjust
- advance-clock!
- after?
- am-pm
- am-pm?
- as
- as-map
- available-zone-ids
- before?
- chronology
- clock?
- contains?
- convert-amount
- day-of-month
- day-of-month?
- day-of-week
- day-of-week?
- day-of-year
- day-of-year?
- days
- duration
- duration?
- end
- field
- field?
- fields
- fixed-clock
- format
- formatter
- friday?
- gap
- hours
- instant
- instant->sql-timestamp
- instant?
- interval
- interval?
- iterate
- java-date
- largest-min-value
- leap?
- local-date
- local-date-time
- local-date-time?
- local-date?
- local-time
- local-time?
- max
- max-value
- micros
- millis
- min
- min-value
- minus
- minutes
- mock-clock
- monday?
- month
- month-day
- month-day?
- month?
- months
- move-end-by
- move-end-to
- move-start-by
- move-start-to
- multiply-by
- nanos
- negate
- negative?
- not-after?
- not-before?
- offset-clock
- offset-date-time
- offset-date-time?
- offset-time
- offset-time?
- overlap
- overlaps?
- period
- period?
- plus
- properties
- property
- quarter
- quarter?
- range
- saturday?
- seconds
- set-clock!
- smallest-max-value
- sql-date
- sql-time
- sql-timestamp
- standard-days
- start
- sunday?
- supports?
- system-clock
- thursday?
- tick-clock
- time-between
- to-java-date
- to-millis-from-epoch
- to-sql-date
- to-sql-timestamp
- truncate-to
- tuesday?
- unit
- unit?
- units
- value
- value-range
- wednesday?
- weekday?
- weekend?
- weeks
- when-joda-time-loaded
- with-clock
- with-clock-fn
- with-largest-min-value
- with-max-value
- with-min-value
- with-offset
- with-offset-same-instant
- with-smallest-max-value
- with-value
- with-zone
- with-zone-same-instant
- year
- year-month
- year-month?
- year-quarter
- year-quarter?
- year?
- years
- zero?
- zone-id
- zone-id?
- zone-offset
- zoned-date-time
- zoned-date-time?